Maybe It's Me - 3/1/02
People these days enjoy to see others in pain
nowadays there are few lovers to be your ceiling from the rain,
the people around me never can stay the same
same looks but with a different personality and a totally new name
I'm losing my touch and people are starting to get the best of me
people are out to get me telling me I'm wrong when I know this is destiny
we're all choosing to fuck ourselves just in our own ways
and letting the needy need until a tragedy or a holiday
not until something drastic happens, then we care about the tragedy
the world is changing for the worse, but hey, maybe its just me
Hypocrites run wild in the land of the free
every body is a back stabbing two faced lying low life
but maybe it's me
People wanna convert me they just wont let me be
minorities are taking over the world
but maybe it's me
people only see the dark side because people don't want to see
people need to open up their eyes
but maybe it's me
I feel stupid for wanting to pop the question down on bended knee
girls so are so ignorant and selfish sometimes
but maybe its me
It's not me that has changed, its the people around me that have changed, its the world around me that has changed, its the person who makes me sad every day that has changed because supposedly they are making new friends, i'm still man enough to admit when I am wrong, I'm still man enough to cry, I'm still the Daniel that everybody fell in love with, but you're not the people who gave me a reason to live, but maybe it's me.
The questions you save for later, the hate you do at first, I used to be the inspiration like so many were to me, but now I'm worrying about me, what about Daniel? Ignorance, getting ignored, attitude, the shit I take in, the shit I give, shit is crazy, life is crazy, sometimes I even think how life isn't worth it, but I've realized through all my pain that no one is completely honest, that everyone is fake, and when you find YOUR star follow it through the rain and the sunshine because you don't get that lucky that often, but my luck I'd be putting my life on the line to stay close to this star and she'd belong to somebody else, and I know this does not rhyme but I do not really care, maybe it's me.
I see shit, I hear shit, I may be psychic, really I'm tired of it, life is changing, people all of a sudden becoming quiet when they used to speak, adultery, lying to me, then hugging on me, after life the only reason you go to heaven is because life is a living hell, it's the least that they could do, I can't even use my shoulder because of you, God please give me strength, but you won't, because it's just me. So now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to keep, and if I should die before I wake, good....